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Wife, mother, daughter, sister, aunt, great-aunt and friend....and fur-kid mum I love Quilting, stitching, photography, cooking, baking, gardening, blogging and making new friends...stop by and say hi!

Monday 6 May 2013

Photo a Day, Weekly Round Up

Now there is an oxymoron but the idea is that I do fatmumslim's photoaday on my facebook page and then a weekly round up of the photos on here. I don't want you to miss a thing! LOL!

I have tried to get involved in FatmumSlim's Photoaday project before but as usual I got it all mixed up so when May's list got posted, I dived straight in.

Day 1 -I BOUGHT THIS -  Lettuce and Chillies. Today I went grocery shopping (not very exciting I know) but in order to save using a bag for my chillies, I nestled them on top of my lettuce and couldn't help thinking how pretty they looked.

 Day 2 -MORNING RITUAL - Morning ritual for me is checking emails and facebook while I enjoy a cuppa coffee

Day 3 -THIS IS REALLY GOOD! - Twice over because hubby made me brekkie AND it was so yummy! Fried tomatoes and portobello mushrooms on an english muffin with balsamic drizzle. If you look very carefully, you can still see the steam coming off the tomato on the right.

Day 4 -IN MY CUP - Spent the day with Miss M in the city and called into THE KITCHEN at the Treasury Casino for a coffee. Here is what was IN MY CUP 

I see a trend here.......food, coffee, more food, more coffee.....good job that the last subject for the week is....

Day 5 -PAPER - I have been trying to read a book that my son bought me at Christmas but despite the fact that I have persevered for quite a number of chapters over an equal number of months (I have left it open on the last page I read) and it has rave reviews, I just cannot grasp the storyline so I have decided to go for a book that I know will be riveting - Heartstone by CJ Sansom.

If you are interested in taking part in Fat Mum Slim's Photoaday challenge you can find the details  here. If you are already part of the family, please let me know, I would love to take a look.  You can join me daily on fb by clicking the icon on the side bar.


  1. Great challenge and great photos!

  2. The tomato and mushroom muffins look delicious!

  3. I like the colorful lettuce and peppers. So pretty.

  4. After reading this post... my mouth is drooling!!! I'm off to make a coffee! :)


I would love to hear your comments so please leave one....I try to get around to answering ALL comments. If you are having trouble leaving me a comment here...email me at cathquilts(dot)gmail(dot)com(dot)au

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