About Me

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Wife, mother, daughter, sister, aunt, great-aunt and friend....and fur-kid mum I love Quilting, stitching, photography, cooking, baking, gardening, blogging and making new friends...stop by and say hi!

Sunday 17 July 2016

Design Board Monday - On hiatus in London

Just so you know...I am back in England for a, possibly, extended visit. I only have access to my blog via my iPad which is not easy for me to blog on so I will be posting short snippets of progress on projects I have brought with me via my blogging Facebook profile....see side bar for link.
You could always "like" my profile to keep connected.


  1. Travel safe...... No fb here so will catch you whenever you return.......Hope all is ok......

  2. Cath, hope all is well. Take care.

  3. safe travels.... hope all ok...

  4. Thinking of you and your mom during this time. So blessed you can be with her...


I would love to hear your comments so please leave one....I try to get around to answering ALL comments. If you are having trouble leaving me a comment here...email me at cathquilts(dot)gmail(dot)com(dot)au

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