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Wife, mother, daughter, sister, aunt, great-aunt and friend....and fur-kid mum I love Quilting, stitching, photography, cooking, baking, gardening, blogging and making new friends...stop by and say hi!

Monday 11 January 2016

DBM #16 - Ready to Stitch Again

I am really taking this new years fresh start to heart....and fulfilling my resolutions....here is one of those resolutions that I completed this week......preparing BOM blocks for stitching.

 I made a start on Friday night and got back to it on Saturday....finishing off on Sunday.

I had two 'A Country Tea Party to trace. There was a small block and the large central block....I guess I must be halfway through the BOM now.....no letting up yet.

After tracing them onto the fabric, I had to iron on the whisperweft. I had a moment of panic when I got it out of the drawer as there is not much left....but it is adaptable to being pieced onto the back so I just managed to get the 2 ACTP blocks and a Flowerville block prepped.

The Flowerville block doesn't need tracing....it is already pre-printed on the fabric and I received two new Cottage Garden threads for the BOM.

I just happened to have these little crystal glassware items and a heart shaped wreathe out on the dresser (waiting to be put away) and I decided to use them as photo props.....I think they give such a feel of romance and femininity to the pics.

And now I have to work towards this:

my inspiration - pictures from the patterns I am using
 Happy Stitching to ME!

Do you have any Happy Stitching to Share.....or piecing, knitting, crochet....anything with needle & thread?
  • Link will be open until Sunday 17.1.2016.
  • link anything that you are working on this week or over the past week....needle and thread is all it takes.
  • Please add a link back to Bits 'n Bobs as part of your post (why not get the button code from the side bar to paste into your post)
  • Please make the effort to visit other link users and leave them a comment to make their day! Don't forget me! I like comments too!
Happy Stitching!

Linking up this week with:


  1. Well done Cath!
    Happy stitching.
    Your set up for the photos is so pretty and feminine. Makes eye candy even more delicious

  2. Oh Cath, those Cottage Garden Threads are super-pretty... & I totally agree with Marina, your pic styling is gorgeous!

  3. Hello Cath! You look like you have yourself all prepared... good luck with getting your stitching finished! Have a lovely week! Christine x

  4. Hey I just found your linky!! YAH!! I added it to my linky party page...hope it brings your a few more people....I love design wall mondays. :)

    1. PS: I thought all your pictures in this post were very pretty:)

  5. lovely stitching and they do look great with your props

  6. That pattern looks like so much fun. What pen do you use to trace the pattern onto your cloth?

  7. Love your photo props and those blocks. Looks like you'll have lots of happy stitching time for a bit.

  8. Hey, that's so pretty with the glassware in there. So happy to see the teddies again. I really, REALLY love that project. :)


I would love to hear your comments so please leave one....I try to get around to answering ALL comments. If you are having trouble leaving me a comment here...email me at cathquilts(dot)gmail(dot)com(dot)au

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