About Me

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Wife, mother, daughter, sister, aunt, great-aunt and friend....and fur-kid mum I love Quilting, stitching, photography, cooking, baking, gardening, blogging and making new friends...stop by and say hi!

Sunday 15 November 2015

DBM Postponed

I am going to have to forego DBM this week. I am using my old computer and had my post all ready to go when it all crashed and so that is that. I can't get it to start again so I am really sorry to say this week will have to be postponed.



  1. No problem hon. We'll be here for when you get things up and running again xx

  2. Sorry to hear that Cath! See you when things get back to normal! Christine x

  3. Rotten computers!!!
    Cheers, Anita.


I would love to hear your comments so please leave one....I try to get around to answering ALL comments. If you are having trouble leaving me a comment here...email me at cathquilts(dot)gmail(dot)com(dot)au

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